Tones and I Visit to Tintern Grammar
It was an incredible day at Tintern Grammar on 29 March with a surprise visit by Tones and I, who performed for our Junior School students, Dance Monkey and Fly Away, with our students (and staff) up and dancing.
She previewed the video of her latest song that was released on 31 March I am free. Year 6 student Coby, had successfully auditioned to play the role of her little brother in the video. The visit was a thank you and a surprise to Coby and the other students as they were called into the CM Wood Performance Center for an assembly.
Head of Boys’ Junior School Adam Kenny led the Assembly, reflecting on some of Tones and I’s music and engaged the students in a chant ‘Tones’, ‘Tones’, ‘Tones’. At the height of this Tones and I marched through a side entrance to the screams, squeals and a few tears from the students and staff.
Channel 9 News and the Herald Sun were in attendance with the story appearing on 9 News and in the Herald Sun and Leader to capture this joyful story.
So generous with her time, Tones and I answered questions from our students and shared messages of resilience, kindness and respect. She presented Coby with a signed photograph and gave him her pink sunglasses, that Coby wore with pride for the remainder of the day. We thank her for her visit, a day we will long remember.